Sunday, October 14, 2012

For Tourism and Hosting Company T Shirt + Shortboard and Boards Designs

 These are my designs. Again for 4 different purposes/themes.
1. For hosting company
2. for tourism merchandise
3. for beach shortboards in Dubai UAE
4. the last one were board designs with surfer themes.

Good idea, efforts, and something else that can turn one design into a 'WOW' design, I think first of all, come from the client. If they show a good response, polite feedback, appreciation, the designer will work through it happily and usually produces a good result or even better. On the contrary, everything will be a disaster when the situation is the opposite.

An artist or designer, works based on the mood and instinct which is literary will be easily influence by the responses s/he get.
Any use of these images are not allowed.  
The name of brands and logos are not mine
Feel free to contact me if you're interested in similar type of illustration here: or  I'll respond quite fast to any order or question.

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